28th – 30th APRIL 2025

Steigenberger Airport Hotel Frankfurt

Program 2025

Mo. 28th

Tu. 29th

We. 30th

Monday, 28th April

10:30  |  Welcome & Registration

11:00 – 13:00 | Session 1: The “how I do it” must-attend Session
Moderators: E. Blessing, L. Loureiro, G. Taneva, A. Zanabili

A) Treatment of Vein Disorders (video-based presentations)

1. Acute DVT Intervention: Lytics, Mechanical Thrombectomy and Stents
Efthymios Avgerinos, Athens, Greece
2. Chronic Venous Obstruction: Recanalization techniques and stenting configuration
Houman Jalaie, Aachen, Germany
3. Management of Pelvic Vein Disorders (PeVD)
Aleksandra Jaworucka-Kaczorowska, Santok, Polen

B) Surgical techniques for the treatment of PAD (video-based presentations)

1. Surgical endarterectomy of the common femoral artery: Tips and tricks for successful preparation, operation and closure of the wound, from skin to the skin.
Florian Dick, St. Gallen, Switzerland
2. Cruro-pedal bypass surgery: Vein vs prosthetic material
Bernhard Dorweiler, Cologne, Germany
3. Surgical Management of Foot Wounds. Ideal Time and Level of Minor Amputation: Guillotine vs Flap Closure
Kai Balzer, Bonn, Germany

C) Endovascular techniques for the treatment of PAD (Video-based presentations)

4. Retrograde and antegrade BTK recanalization
Arne Schwindt, Münster, Germany
5. Vessel preparation techniques for severe calcified lesions: Atherectomy, intravascular lithotripsy or scoring balloons?
Amer Zanabili, Oviedo, Spain

13:00 – 13:30  |  Coffee & Cake

Workshop 1: 15.30-18.00 | Room 1-2-3

Wunde und Gefäßmedizin in Kooperation mit “Initiative Chronische Wunden e.V. (ICW)
(exclusively for colleagues who work in Germany)

15:30-16:00 | Warum benötigt der moderne Gefäßmediziner eine vertiefte Wundexpertise?
A. Psyllas, Ärztlicher Wundexperte ICW®, Fachgesellschaft “Initiative Chronische Wunden e.V. (ICW)”, Wesel, Germany

16:00-16:30 | Fokusthema: Organisation/ICW
„Qualität durch Zertifizierung?! – Ausbildung, Weiterbildung und Zentren in der Wundversorgung“
J.-D. Rembe, European Fellow for Wound Healing (EAFWH), Vorstand Fachgesellschaft “Initiative Chronische Wunden e.V. (ICW)”, Düsseldorf, Germany

16:30-16:45 | Fokusthema Gefäßmedizin
„Kompression oder keine Kompression und wenn ja, womit, das ist hier das Dilemma!”
A. Psyllas, Wesel, Germany

16:45-17:00 | Fokus Hauttransplantation
„Hautersatzverfahren und Hauttransplantation – wie kriegen wir es zu?!“
Sakis Liougkos, Rüsselsheim, Germany

17:00-17:15 | Fokus Materialkunde
„Einmal mit Allem – Sinn und Unsinn moderner Wundmaterialien“
J.-D. Rembe, Düsseldorf, Germany

17:15-17:30 | Pause/Diskussion

17:30 – 19:00 | Hands on Workshop:

  • Materialkunde
  • Kompression
  • Debridement


Workshop 2: 16.00-18.00 | Room 4

Scientific Research Basics for medical students and fellows
Konstantinos Donas, Konstantinos Avranas, Elena Rouvi

  • Develop your skills in research design, data analysis and academic writing techniques
  • Learn statistic essentials for your PhD/Dr.med/ Publications
  • Work-life balance, how can you combine research and private life?

Workshop 3: 13.30-15.00 | Room 5

Essentials on endovascular treatment of Deep Vein Disease (DVD) and iliofemoral vein compression
friendly supported by Bentley

  • A) Essentials for planning and needs for imaging (the role of IVUS), E. Avgerinos, Athens, Greece
  • B) Compression Syndromes with focus on May-Thurner Syndrome: Causes, and therapeutic modalities, H. Jalaie, Aachen, Germany
  • C) Case presentations, E. Avgerinos, A. Jaworucka-Kaczorowska


Workshop 4: 15.30-17.00 | Room 5

Complex Deep Vein Lesions: Indications for treatment, tips and tricks to achieve durable outcomes
friendly supported by Optimed

  • A) Non-Thrombotic Iliac Vein Lesions: Indications for treatment and techniques, H. Jalaie
  • B) Advanced ilio-caval Reconstructions: Tips and tricks, E. Avgerinos
  • C) Case presentations and Discussion, H. Jalaie/E. Avgerinos/ A. Jaworucka-Kaczorowska
  • D) Hands-on Workstation

Workshop 5a: 14.00-15.30 | Room 6

Endovascular Embolisation techniques; Essentials, first experiences and logistics, dedicated to Vascular Surgeons
friendly supported by Boston Scientific
Martin Schröder, Francisco Azevedo

  • A) Pre-conditions and materials, M. Schröder
  • B) Indications and clinical examples, M. Schröder
  • C) Logistics/Set up/ Materials, F. Azevedo
  • D) Hands-on Model demonstration

Workshop 5b: 16:30 – 18:00 | Room 6

Advanced Embolisation with Onyx, Micro Vascular Plug (MVP) and Coils: Clinical Cases and phantom-based Hands-on Training
friendly supported by Medtronic
Amer Zanabili

  • Onyx: Where and how to combine it with coils and stentgrafts, B. Meyer
  • Direktpunktion/ Transcaval bei Endoleaks, H. Freis
  • My experience with the Micro Vascular Plug (MVP), A. Zanabili
  • Hands-On Training

Tuesday, 29th April

Moderators: C. Behrendt, E. Blessing, D. Gray, G. Korosoglou

09:00 – 10:30 | Session 2: State-of-the-art education

1. How is success defined in CTLI treatment? Arterial BTK patency to the foot versus limb salvage or wound healing?
L. Patrone, Firenze, Italy

2. What is the goal of vessel preparation? Optimal scaffold implantation or “leave nothing behind”?
G. Korosoglou, Weinheim, Germany

3. The big SFA-Complex TASC D Lesion debate: Surgery or endovascular first?
F. Saucy, Morges, Switzerland

4. Pre-operative assessment of plaque type and morphology and its impact on decision making for endovascular treatment
T. Donati, Rome, Italy

5. Peripheral IVUS in CTLI; just a hype or a useful tool to detect and manage complex lesions?
J. Kalder, Gießen, Germany

10:30 – 12:15 | Session 3: Latest breaking data from clinical studies and trials

10.30-10.45: First in-human-experience with the Sentante Endovascular Robotic System for peripheral interventions
Tomas Baltrunas, Vilnius, Litauen

10.45-11.00: First 12-month Real World data of the Selution drug eluting balloon angioplasty in complex femoro-popliteal lesions
Efthymios Beropoulis, Langen, Germany

11.00-11.15: When a stent placement is needed. Latest evidence, S3 Guidelines and new single-center experiences
Dimitrios Kapetanios, Langen, Germany

11.15-11.30: The novel ARISTON Registry focusing on atherosclerotic lesions of the common femoral artery: Dogma, Challenge and modern reality
Martin Andrassy, Bruchsal, Germany.

11.30-11.45: First report on mid-term (24 months) BTK rotational atherecromy outcomes in CTLI.
Konstantinos Donas, Langen, Germany.

11.45-12.15: NextGen Vascular @ AVC

Dialogues between Vascular Experts and Fellows: The Videoclip Presentation in front of 6 Key opinion leaders

12:15 – 13:30| Lunch Break

Workshop 6: 12:15 – 13:30 | Room 1

Leave Normal Behind: Why Debulking is the Better Option
friendly supported by Medtronic
Arne Schwindt, Münster, Germany

  • Hands-on focus directional atherectomy, materials, logistics

Workshop 7: 14:15 – 15:45 | Room 2

When atherectomy and when angiojet? Do we have an algorithm?
friendly supported by Boston Scientific
Martin Andrassy, Anastasions Psyllas

Workshop 8: 16:30 – 18:00 | Room 3

Intavascular lithotripsy: Indications, How I do it, latest devices and practical uses
friendly supported by Shockwave
Christos Rammos, Stephanie Rassam

Workshop 9: 13:30 – 15:00 | Room 4

Acute arterial and vein thrombotic occlusions: The Langen Lightning 7 experience
friendly supported by Penumbra
Efthymios Beropoulis, Germany

Workshop 10: Leriche Syndrome/infrarenal PAUs and complex aorto-iliac occlusive disease

Workshop 10a: 13:30 – 15:00 | Room 5

The CERAB Solution, with use of dedicated aortic and peripheral covered stents
friendly supported by Bentley
Martin Schröder and Francisco Azevedo, Lünen, Germany

Workshop 10b: 13:30 – 15:00 | Room 6

The BERAB Solution, with use of low profile bare metal stents
friendly supported by Optimed
Konstantinos Donas, Dimitrios Kapetanios, Langen, Germany

19:30 | Networking event

Wednesday, 30th APRIL

08:15 – 09:00 | The Breakfast symposium (friendly supported by Medtronic) | Plenum

Cracking the Code: How Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Digital Twins are Revolutionizing Endovascular Treatment of aortic aneurysms:

  • Enhancing EVAR Outcomes: Why trust Algorithms when you have the Experience?
  • Pioneering the Future of TEVAR Planning

        Moderators of the aortic day: J. P. de Vries, T. Donati, G. Sufalli, M. Reijnen

        09:00 – 10:30 | Session 1: Aortic dissections

        09:00 – 09:30
        The Pericles Donas Memorial lecture 2025.
        The sudden death and revealing autopsy of King George II in 1760: Historical perspective on Aortic Dissection
        F. J. Criado, Baltimore, USA

        09:30 – 09:40
        Medical and interventional treatment of type B aortic dissections
        J. T. Lee, Stanford, USA

        09:40 – 09:50

        09:50 – 10:00
        Open vs endovascular treatment of chronic dissections
        D. Kotelis, Bern, Switzerland

        10:00 – 10:10

        10:10 – 10:30
        Case-based session: Aortic type B dissection with visceral malperfusion; Interaction with the audience
        L. Kock, Hamburg, Germany

        10:30 – 11:00  | Coffee Break

        11:00 – 12:15 | Session 2: Thoraco-abdominal aneurysms

        11:00 – 11:10
        Breaking news: Novel multi-inner and outer- branched Endograft for thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms
        Marco V. Usai, Münster, Germany

        11:10 – 11:15

        11:15 – 11:25
        Breaking news: New dedicated and developed bridging stentcraft for Fenestrated Endografting (FEVAR): Do we have a Game-changer?
        J. Kalder, Giessen, Germany

        11:25 – 11:35

        11:35 – 11:45
        20 Years of Endovascular Experience in the Treatment of Aortic Aneurysms with Difficult Necks: What Has Changed, What Remains the Gold Standard
        M. Haggag, Cairo, Egypt

        11:45 – 11:55

        11:55 – 12:05
        Surgeon-modified endografting: Only a Hype or a useful tool for complex aortic lesions?
        M. Piazza, Padova, Italy

        12:05 – 12:15


        12:15 – 12:27
        Open repair is my first choice: Indications, tips and tricks to minimize surgical trauma and exposure
        H. El Beyrouti, Oldenburg, Germany

        12:27 – 12:35
        Endosutured Aneurysm Repair of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms represents a valuable option: How I do it.
        J. P. de Vries, Groningen, The Netherlands

        12.35 – 12.43
        Extend sealing zone by using fenestrated/chimney devices
        M. Reijnen, Twente, The Netherlands

        12:45 – 13:00
        Discussion and voting of the audience (via TED)

        13:00 – 14:00 | Lunch Break

        Workshop 11: 14:00 – 15:30 | Room 1

        IVUS essentials and advanced use for PAD and aortic lesions
        friendly supported by Philips



        Workshop 12: 14:00 – 15:30 | Room 2

        New thoraco-abdominal aortic endograft with combined inner- and outer branches for the treatment of complex aortic pathologies
        friendly supported by Lamed
        Konstantinos Donas, Marco Virgilio Usai


        Workshop 13: 14:00 – 15:30 | Room 3

        Aortoiliac/PAD Workshop
        friendly supported by Gore

              Workshop 14: 14:00 – 15:30 | Room 4

              Zero Iodine-Contrast Approach in PAD and Aortic Repair: Benefits and Case Insights
              friendly supported by Angiodroid
              Efthymios Beropoulis, Langen, Germany and Lorenzo Patrone, Florence, Italy

              Workshop 15: 14:00 – 15:30 | Room 5

              Fenestrated endografting (der WS wird auf Deutsch gehalten / dedicated to German colleagues only)
              Indications, tips and tricks, video-base presentation, focus: Bridging devices, Hands-on models
              J. Kalder, Giessen, Germany


              Workshop 16: 16:00 – 17:30 | Room 5

              Fenestrated endografting (in English, for international audience)
              Indications, tips and tricks, video-base presentation, focus: Bridging devices, Hands-on models
              J. Kalder, Giessen, Germany

              Workshop 17: 14:00 – 16:30 | Ruptured aortic aneurysms | Room 6

              Workshop 17a: 14:00 – 15:00

              Management of ruptured aortic aneurysms; Tips and tricks, Standardized protocol, abdominal compression syndrome
              M. Lachat, Zurich, Switzerland

              Workshop 17b: 15:00 – 16:30

              Surgeon-modified Endografting for urgent aortic pathologies Hands-on models, How I do it.
              L. Kock, M. Piazza

              The content of this event is designed to be product- and service-neutral. We confirm that the scientific management and the speakers will disclose potential conflicts of interest to the participants.